IDE Screenshot Usage in Books

There are cases where it’s very tough to figure out the correct presentation of material in a book, which is made more difficult by some readers preferring one presentation and other readers another. It comes down to how people learn in many cases. Visual learners prefer screenshots, abstract learners prefer text. Of course, there are all sorts of learners between these two extremes. So, what seems like a simple question can become quite complex.

The question at hand is whether to present screenshots of an IDE in a book with the associated example code and its output. The problem is that vendors now assume that developers have very large displays and so have made use of all of that extra screen real estate. In addition, book publishers don’t want books where a single image consumes an entire page. The result is that it’s very hard to get a screenshot where the text is completely readable. It can be done, but the text will generally still be smaller than the print in the book. Older readers complain that they need a magnifying glass to see the text at all.

However, there are benefits to using screenshots. The most important benefit is that, even if the text isn’t completely readable, visual learners can see what their IDE should look like as they follow the progress of procedures in the book. This feedback lets the visual learner know that they are doing things correctly and are getting the correct result. Another benefit is that an example tends to stay in one piece. The graphical output of an example doesn’t end up several pages away from the source code that produces it. Sometimes, textual output is wider than the page will allow using the normal font size. So, the options are to print the output in the book at the normal font size, but in a truncated form, which means that it’s no longer complete. A screenshot can show the complete textual output, but at a smaller font. For beginner readers, the second form, while not optimal, is preferred because truncating the output produces questions in the reader’s mind.

So, how do you feel about IDE screenshots in books? Are they more helpful or more confusing? Part of the reason for posts like this is to get your opinion and discover more about you as a reader. Obviously, a book author wants to use the communication techniques that work best overall for everyone, book space often not allowing for the investigation of every presentation alternative. Let me know your thoughts at [email protected].

Debugging a CodeBlocks Application with Command Line Arguments

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on November 1, 2011.

Most application environments provide a means of setting command line arguments and CodeBlocks is no exception. The example shown in Listing 6-12 on page 167 of C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition requires that you set command line arguments in order to see anything but the barest output from the debugger. This post discusses the requirements for setting command line arguments for debugging purposes.

Let’s begin with the example without any configuration. Every application has one command line argument—the path and application executable name. To see this argument, change the line that currently reads for (int index=1; index < argc; index++) to read for (int index=0; index < argc; index++) instead (setting index=1 causes the program not to show the first argument). So, now when you run the example shown in Listing 6-12 you’ll see the path and executable name as a minimum, as shown here.

The first argument passed to an application is the application executable name and path.
The first argument passed to an application.

If you run this example, you may see a different path, but the command line executable should be the same. The point is that you see at least one argument as output. However, most people will want to test their applications using more than one argument. In order to do this, you must pass command line arguments to the application. Start by changing the code back to its original form where index=1. The following steps tell how to perform add command line arguments.

  1. Choose Project | Set Program’s Arguments. You’ll see the Select Target dialog box shown here.
    Change the command line arguments for the debug or release versions.
  2. Select Debug as the target, as shown in the figure.
  3. Type the arguments you want to use, such as Hello World I Love You!, in the Program Arguments field and click OK. The IDE is now set to provide command line arguments to the application when you’re using the specified target, which is Debug in this case.

When you run the application after adding the command line argument, you should see them in the output like this:

The output shows addition of the command line arguments.
The output shows addition of the command line arguments.

Testing for command line arguments in a CodeBlocks application consists of telling the IDE what to pass in the Select Target dialog box. Let me know if you have any questions about this process at [email protected].

Resetting Your Code::Blocks Configuration

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on April 12, 2013.

Quite a few people have written to me about issues they have with C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition that involve getting Code::Blocks up and running. The posts in the C++ All-in-One for Dummies, 4th Edition archive normally provide everything needed to get the compiler up and running. However, there are rare times when no matter how much you try, you simply can’t get the compiler to work.

One technique I haven’t really covered until now is to reset the Code::Blocks configuration. The problem with this approach is that it resets all of your settings, not just those that could be in error. This is the reason that I’ve taken a more measured approach to helping readers through problems until now. My concern is that resetting everything will actually cause more problems and end up confusing some readers, so you really do want to try those other posts first. That said, there are situations where resetting Code::Blocks is the only course of action that will work.

To reset your settings, open your copy of CodeBlocks. Choose Settings | Compiler. You see the Compiler and Debugger Settings dialog box similar to the one shown here.

A view of the Global Compiler Settings dialog box.
A view of the Global Compiler Settings dialog box.

Click Reset Defaults. This action will reset all of the defaults so that they match the initial installation configuration unless you have created a default of your own. Make absolutely certain that the Selected Compiler field shows GNU GCC Compiler as shown in the figure and then click OK. Close and then reopen Code::Blocks before you test your configuration.

Let me know if you have any questions about this procedure at [email protected]. It’s always my goal to make my books as useful to you as possible.

Choosing a C++ Editor

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on August 25, 2014.

A lot of people have asked why I chose Code::Blocks as the editor for C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition. There are a number of reason that I chose this particular editor including:

  • Ease of use
  • Free download
  • Runs on a large number of platform types
  • Provides internationalization support

However, the fact that Code::Blocks works well for the book and for most beginning projects doesn’t mean it’s the best solution for your particular needs. There are many different C++ Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) out there and I’m constantly trying new products. When the new version of Visual Studio comes out, you can be sure I’ll obtain a copy and check it out because some of my readers use Visual Studio. The problem with Visual Studio is that it tends to use Microsoft additions to the C++ language and it also doesn’t run on all the platforms that the book must support. However, if you’re working with Microsoft systems and need to create a relatively large project, Visual Studio might be a good choice for you—only you can make that determination.

The Eclipse IDE is another good selection. I had thought about using Eclipse for C++ All-in-One for Dummies, 4th Edition, but after reviewing the IDE and comparing it to Code::Blocks, I felt Code::Blocks was a lot simpler. Even so, if you need great multiplatform support for your C++ projects, Eclipse is a great choice.

I recently looked at another IDE, Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit. This is most definitely not a IDE for the faint of heart or the light of pocketbook (the asking price for the cheap version is $1,499.00). The main reason to obtain a product like this one is that it provides phenomenal parallelism support for multiprocessor applications. In other words, you use this sort of IDE for high end projects. You can read all the other features this product offers on the vendor site. One of the other items that grabbed my attention is that it provides both multiplatform (Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android) and multiformat (Phone, Tablet, PC, Ultrabook, and Server) support. Whether this particular IDE makes sense for your needs depends on the kind of applications you create.

Although the information in Wikipedia is often suspect, you can find a comparison of various IDEs at The best way to choose a C++ IDE is to look for a product that meets your needs and then try it out on a subset of the problem you’re trying to solve. Researching the IDE you use is essential because a mistake can cost you a lot of time later. Not every IDE support every C++ feature, every platform, or every team need. Tell me why you think I should move to something other than Code::Blocks for the next edition of the book at [email protected].

Pausing the C++ Example Output

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on December 23, 2013.

A number of readers have written to ask about running the example code in C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition. The book shows that the examples pause so you can see the output, yet a few people experience problems getting the example to pause as shown in the book. Let’s take the first book example. When you run the example, you should see a command window similar to the one shown here open.

The paused output of a Code::Blocks example.
The paused output of a Code::Blocks example.

This is how the command window looks in Windows, but if you use some other operating system, you should see something similar. Notice that the output is paused. Pressing any key will cause the window to disappear and the example to end. The purpose of pausing the output is so that you can see the result.

There are two common reasons that people aren’t seeing the output pause. The most common reason is that the example is run in debug mode. Make sure you click Run or choose Build | Run to execute the example. If you click Debug/Continue or choose Debug | Start/Continue instead, the example will execute without pausing and you won’t see the output. Of course, you can always set a breakpoint to get the example to pause, but most people simply want to see the example output which means running the example, rather than debugging the example.

A less common cause is that the project environment is configured incorrectly. Normally the Code::Blocks environment automatically pauses when you run the example. However, it’s possible to set Code::Blocks not to pause. Some readers inadvertently change this setting while exploring the environment. In order to check this setting, choose Project | Properties to display the Project Targets/Options dialog box. Select the Build Targets tab and you see the dialog box shown here.

The Build Targets tab of the Project Properties dialog box contains a Pause When Execution Ends setting.
Changing the default Code::Blocks settings can cause the IDE not to pause the output.

Notice the Pause When Execution Ends option. If this option is cleared, the example won’t pause when you run it. Make sure this option is checked and click OK. The projects that come with the downloadable code all have this setting set up correctly.

Of course, there could always be other reasons why the examples aren’t pausing. Please let me know if you have any problems setting the example output. It’s essential that you be able to see the example output as you follow along in the book to understand how C++ works. Send your queries about this (or any other book-specific) topic to [email protected]. I always want to ensure you have the best possible experience when using my books.

Finding Code::Blocks Tutorials

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on February 10, 2014.

Sometimes it’s hard to know precisely how to cover information in a book because each reader’s needs are different. One reader may be somewhat knowledgeable and not need tutorials, another reader might me a complete novice and require more assistance. Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the landslide of comments I receive about my language books when they deviate to discuss topics other than the language. Most readers don’t want to read about anything other than the language. In fact, in a few of my language books I’ve stopped mentioning any sort of IDE except in passing (and sometimes not at all).

C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition is a little different from most of my language books in that it must make mention of an IDE in order for the reader to follow all of the examples. (In fact, there are two: one for mobile development and another for desktop development, this post is specific to Code::Blocks, which is used at the desktop.) Because I want the book to work well on all platforms, I’ve chosen Code::Blocks as the IDE for this book. This particular IDE works on all of the platforms that the book supports (Mac, Linux, and Windows) in a similar fashion, so one set of instructions works for everyone. In addition, Code::Blocks enjoys great community support and has a large enough user base that it’ll be around for a long time.

This book does contain a few bits of information about Code::Blocks because it must in order for the reader to follow the examples. However, I’ve purposely kept the amount of information about Code::Blocks to a minimum because this really is a language book and you could use any IDE with it, not just Code::Blocks. It’s difficult to walk the line between providing enough information about the IDE and not enough. Whether I’m successful depends on the skill level of the reader for the most part. The beta readers of the current edition are definitely letting me know where I need to add more information to ensure the material is understandable, but there will always be some room for readers to feel there is either too much or too little coverage.

With this in mind, I’ve provided tutorial-type posts in the C++ All-in-One for Dummies category. If you have a question about how to perform a task in the book, this is the first place to look. Make sure you contact me at [email protected] if you have questions, because then I’ll know to discuss the topic as part of a blog post. What it all comes down to is my wanting to provide you with the information you need, but not knowing what that requirement is until you contact me.

Code::Blocks also comes with a nice help file, but you might not know it. Choose the Help | Codeblocks option and you’ll see a new window pop up with the help information. I must admit that it would have been better had the vendor provided a different command for accessing the help file, but at least the help file is there.

Even with these two resources, you’ll likely find situations where you need more information. As I said, Code::Blocks enjoys good support in the development community. The following list contains some tutorials you can try when none of the other sources I’ve mentioned help.

There are other tutorials available. What I need to know is whether these tutorials answer your questions or not. If not, what topics do you need covered that my blog doesn’t already discuss? It’s important to me that you have a good learning experience with my books so always feel free to contact me about topics you’d like to see covered in the blog.

Giving Hackers an Exciting Target

Hackers will attack anyone, any organization, or anything that seems to offer the promise of something in exchange for the time spent: money, resources, revenge…the list goes on. However, for many hackers the kicker for choosing somewhere to hit is some level of challenge, some sort of excitement. After all, why attack a boring site when there is one out there literally begging you to attack it? Such is the case with GrapheneOS, which bills itself as:

The private and secure mobile operating system with Android app compatibility.

GrapheneOS Website

According to Multiple DDoS Attacks at GrapheneOS — What’s Going On Behind the Scenes?, GrapheneOS has recently endured multiple attacks. I verified the story on Twitter from a post by GrapheneOS. Such an attack can happen to anyone at any time. Keeping a low profile seems prudent, but not always possible (as is the case here). One of the things I stressed when writing Machine Learning Security Principles is that anything an organization can do to make attacks harder and less attractive will only reduce the security burden of the organization in the long run. Keeping a low profile tends to make an attack less attractive.

The reason that I was attracted to this particular DDoS attack is that GrapheneOS is using Synapse, an AI-based product. The article, Synapse Technology Corporation: Using AI to Take a Good Look at Airport Security, tells you a bit more about the history of this product. In looking at the Synapse website, you can see that they have some interesting customers, including the military and government. Oddly enough, I’m not seeing any other reports of major problems with Synapse. The problem must be with the GrapheneOS security setup.

The bottom line is that if a hacker decides to break into your organization, it’ll happen at some point no matter how good your security systems are, which means that it’s essential to combine security with monitoring and analysis of attack vectors. Keeping a low profile is essential too because hackers, like the most of the rest of us, love a good challenge. Reviewing attacks like the ones targeted at GrapheneOS can help you improve your own security setup. Let me know your thoughts on AI-based security at [email protected].

Mind Boggling Questions in C++

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on December 13, 2011.

I constantly tell readers they need to view my books as a starting point, rather than the end of their education on a particular subject. This sentiment holds true for C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition as it does for all of my books. When you read this book, you get a really good start with C++. By the time you’re finished, you can create some useful applications and you know enough about the Code::Blocks IDE to use it effectively. Fortunately, there are many places online to expand when it comes to C++ and I ran across one of them in an article entitled, Amusing C++. The title, more than anything else, caught my attention. What, after all, could be amusing about C++?

This is one of those sorts of articles I wish I had thought to write myself. The author has a unique perspective about C++ and some of the issues you could face when working with it. More importantly, the article uncovers some interesting compatibility issues between compilers, all the while having fun with the C++ language.

These sorts of mind boggling questions force even professional developers to think about the language and how it works. It may seem as if a language specification is solid, but then you see that there are gaps in how the specification is put together and that there is room in the standards for unique vendor implementations. Working with unique implementations can lead to innovation, but it can also lead to all sorts of compatibility issues when you need to move your application from one product to another.

After you’ve completed reading my book, make sure you continue on with online resources. Of course, the place that you should look first for issues related to this book (and some general interest C++ topics) is the C++ All-in-One for Dummies, 4th Edition category on this blog. It’s a shame that this particular Dummies book doesn’t include the Parts of Tens feature that is found in other Dummies books. However, here are ten places you can look for C++ materials and examples:

Where do you get additional information about C++? What sorts of information do you look for on these sites? Let me know at [email protected].

Comment and Document Updates for CI/CD

In reading about Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) I often find ways to manage the code, to get people around the code, to keep errors out of the code, and so on. It’s all about the code. Developers have, in fact, developed myriad ways to keep code size small, updated, deployed, tested, and so on to ensure that users have what they want, when the they want it (if not before). Sometimes my head spins on its axis after reading such documents because it becomes a high speed dizzying affair. It’s somehow assumed that everyone can just keep up. Except, there are new people and older people and people with lesser attention spans who can’t keep up, which is why comments and documentation are so important.

As part of the coding process, developers also need to update both comments and documentation or someone will come along and make modifications based on outdated information. Even though making such updates seems like a waste of time since everyone should be able to keep up, the truth is that these updates ultimately save time. However, the updates, when they occur (which apparently isn’t often) are often made in a haphazard manner reminiscent of an old Keystone Cops movie.

Adding a process, a workflow, to the CI/CD mill is important to ensure that everything remains in sync: code, comments, and documentation. A best practice way to accomplish this task is to add steps to every update process so that nothing is left behind. Here’s how you could approach the problem:

  1. Perform the required code updates.
  2. During testing, ensure that the comments within the code actually match what the code is doing. Testing and other review processes should not only look at the code, but the comments too.
  3. Update the documentation as final testing occurs. Make sure to include these elements:
    • Text
    • Drawings
    • Mockups
    • Visual Aids
    • Videos
    • Any other documentation elements
  4. Specify that any old comments/documentation are outdated using one of these approaches:
    • Mark it as deprecated
    • Remove it from the work area and put it in an archive
    • Delete it completely
  5. Deploy the application update. If you don’t deploy the update after these steps are done, they won’t get done. Everyone will wander off somewhere and forget all about any sort of comment or documentation update.

Obviously, the approach you end up using has to meet the requirements of your organization. It also has to be simple enough that people will actually, albeit begrudgingly, perform the work. What methods do you use to keep everything in sync at your organization? Let me know at [email protected].

Choosing the GNU C++ Compiler

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on April 23, 2012.

A number of readers have written to ask me about the reason I chose the GNU C++ computer for C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition. After all, there are many different C++ compilers on the market today. Here are the reasons I feel that the GNU C++ Compiler is the best choice today:

  • Standards Adherence: From what I’ve read and seen in my own coding efforts, the GNU C++ compiler adheres a bit better to the current standards. There are other compilers, such as Microsoft’s Visual C++, that include a host of special additions and exceptions that don’t adhere to the standard. Given the audience for this book, using a compiler that’s strong on the standards is a must. (This book doesn’t use any of the GNU C++ extensions.)
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: This book has a mixed audience. I’ve received so many e-mails from Macintosh readers that I’ve provided a number of blog posts just for this group. Linux developers also like this compiler and have used my book to learn how to use it. Because there are so many different platforms that this compiler works on, I can reach a much broader audience with the book and help more people write applications in C++ as a result.
  • CodeBlocks Support: In order to write good C++ code, you really do need a good IDE. CodeBlocks is a free compiler that works well on Linux, Macintosh, and Windows machines. If I had chosen another compiler, it may not have been possible to provide great support for all three platforms and some readers would have been left out.
  • Community Support: Both the GNU C++ compiler and CodeBlocks enjoy a broad range of support from the open source community. Getting help with either product is relatively easy and normally free.
  • Cost: Many of the readers of this book are students of limited means or are hobbyists learning to write C++ applications on a shoestring. Using the GNU C++ compiler coupled with CodeBlocks offers a method of teaching C++ programming that doesn’t require any investment by the reader. If cost hadn’t been a factor, there are probably other compilers on the market that might be a little better choice than using GNU C++.
  • Mobile Device Support: Many of my readers now what to be able to code from anywhere at anytime using their mobile device. Quite a few of the online compilers rely on GNU C++. (You also find support for Android devices in the book now using CppDroid in Chapter 2.) In many respect, you could view this as a fourth supported platform for my book.

Yes, I could have used some other compiler when writing this book, but at the time, GNU C++ seemed to be the best choice available and I still think it’s the best choice today. Of course, it’s always nice to hear about alternatives. If you think there is a strong competitor for GNU C++ that’s free and runs on all three of the target platforms for this book, let me know at [email protected]. Make sure you provide me with complete information, including a URL for the compiler’s site.