An Interesting Review of ChatGPT and Other AIs

I’ve written in the past about limitations of AI from a number of perspectives. In Effects of the Mistruths of Data on Model Output I discuss how the data fed to a model must necessary affect its output in a number of ways, including bias and other unwanted effects. Considering the Four Levels of Intelligence Management tells why it’s not possible for an AI to approach human intelligence today. In Fooling Facial Recognition Software I provide a detailed discussion of why it’s so easy to fool certain types of AI-powered applications. And you learn about why some types of occupations are reasonably safe from AI in Automation and the Future of Human Employment. However, I haven’t really done a detailed investigation of AIs like ChatGPT that seem almost human-like in their understanding, but fall remarkably short in many simple areas. On Artifice and Intelligence is one of the more detailed analysis I’ve found to date on the subject and what it reveals will surprise you. There are a lot of simple problems that ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs) can’t solve.

What I found interesting in the article is that the author, Shlomi Sher, was able to show that one area where an AI should be strong, math, actually isn’t all that strong at all. He talks about Euclid’s proofs. The artifice is that ChatGPT 4 and other AIs can tell you all about prime numbers and even provide seemingly creative output about them. However, depending on how you ask some basic questions, ChatGPT 4 either gets the answer wrong or right, when the answer is pretty much apparent to any human who knows what prime numbers are. What I liked most about the article is that the author takes time to explain why humans can understand the problem, but the AI can’t.

If it seems as if I have a continuing desire to dissuade others from anthropomorphizing AIs, I most certainly do. When it comes to AI, it’s all about the math and nothing more. However, that doesn’t mean that AIs lack functionality and ability as tools to augment human endeavors. It’s likely that the use of AIs will continue to increase over time. In addition, I think that as we better understand precisely how AIs work, we’ll also come to realize that they’re amazing tools, but most definitely not humans in the making. Let me know your thoughts on ChatGPT at [email protected].