Creating a CodeBlocks Project with Multiple Existing Files

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on July 26, 2011.

Most real world C++ projects include multiple source files. Book I Chapter 7 of C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition shows how to create a project that has multiple source files starting on page 170. The first example (page 177), found in \CPP_AIO4\BookI\Chapter07\MultipleSourceFiles, discusses two .cpp files. The second example starts on page 179 and you find it in \CPP_AIO4\BookI\Chapter07\MultipleSourceFiles2. This example includes two .cpp files and a single .h file. I’ll use the files from the second example for this post. The example works the same as the one in the book, but in this case, we’ll start with the three files and create a project around them.

Defining the Project

You need to start with a Code::Blocks project. It’s possible to use either an existing project or create a new project to hold the files (I’m doing the latter and naming the new product MultipleSourceFiles3). In either case, once you have a project to use, you simply add the files you want to it, set the build options for those files, and then create your application. The following steps create a new project, add the files from MultipleSourceFiles2 to it, set the build options, compile the resulting project, and show you the results.

  1. Choose File > New > Project. You’ll see the New From Template dialog box.
  2. Highlight the Empty Project template as shown here:
  3. Click Go. You’ll see the Empty Project wizard. If you’re seeing the Welcome screen, click Next to get past it.
  4. Type the name of the project (the example uses MultipleSourceFiles3) in the Project Title field and choose a location for the project (the example uses \CPP_AIO4\BookI\Chapter07\) in the Location field. If you’re following the example, your wizard should look similar to the one shown here:The Empty Project configuration information for MultipleSourceFiles3.
  5. Click Next. Look in the Compiler field and ensure that the GNU GCC Compiler option is selected.
  6. Click Finish. The wizard creates a blank project for you.

Referencing the Other Project Source Files

At this point, you have an empty project without any files in it. However, you can add files to any existing project. The following steps add the files from the MultipleSourceFiles2 project to this project.

  1. Right click the project entry (MultipleSourceFiles3) in the Projects tab of the Management window and choose Add Files from the context menu. You see the Add Files to Project dialog box shown here: Adding new files to an empty project.
  2. Locate the \CPP_AIO4\BookI\Chapter07\MultipleSourceFiles2 folder on your system.
  3. Click on main.cpp. Ctrl+Click on safestuff.cpp and safestuff.h. You’ll see all three files added to the File Name field.
  4. Click Open. You’ll see the Multiple Selection dialog box. This dialog box contains entries for each of the builds that you specified when creating the project. The default is to use the files you’re adding in all of the builds as shown here. (The example uses all of the files in all of the builds.)Ensure the that targets will appear in all build types.
  5. Configure the files you’ve selected by choosing the build the file should appear part of and click OK. You’ll see all three files added below the MultipleSourceFiles3 entry in the Projects tab of the Management window as shown here:The files from MultipleSourceFiles2 are referenced in this project.

The referencing technique adds existing files to a different project. Notice that the files are still referenced in the original project. If you make a change to these files, the changes will also appear in the original project.

Copying the Other Project Source Files

Referencing files isn’t always what you want to do. So, you need an alternative for those situations where you want a copy of the file in a new project (allowing changes in the new project that won’t affect the existing project). In this case, follow these steps instead:

  1. Right click the project entry (MultipleSourceFiles3) in the Projects tab of the Management window and choose Add Files from the context menu. You see the Add Files to Project dialog box.
  2. Locate the \CPP_AIO4\BookI\Chapter07\MultipleSourceFiles2 folder on your system.
  3. Click on main.cpp. Ctrl+Click on safestuff.cpp and safestuff.h. You’ll see all three files added to the File Name field.
  4. Right click main.cpp and choose Copy from the context menu.
  5. Locate the \CPP_AIO4\BookI\Chapter07\MultipleSourceFiles3 folder on your system.
  6. Right click inside the file selection area and choose Paste from the context menu. You see the files pasted into the new location as shown here: Actually copying the files to a new location.
  7. Click Open. You’ll see the Multiple Selection dialog box.
  8. Configure the files you’ve selected by choosing the build the file should appear part of and click OK. You’ll see all three files added below the MultipleSourceFiles3 entry in the Projects tab of the Management window as shown here (notice that they’re now actually part of MultipleSourceFiles3 and not just a reference):The files are now copied, not referenced.

Many developers find the need to use existing files in a project. It’s something you’ll do quite often, especially with header files. Of course, when working with header files you also have the option of using the #include directive. Please let me know if you have any questions about this process at [email protected].

An Update on the RunAs Command

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on 
May 14, 2014.

Recently I wrote the Simulating Users with the RunAs Command post that describes how to use the RunAs command to perform tasks that the user’s account can’t normally perform. (The basics of using the RunAs command appear in Windows Command-Line Administration Instant Reference.) A number of you have written to tell me that there is a problem with using the RunAs command with built-in commands—those that appear as part of CMD.EXE. For example, when you try the following command:

RunAs /User:Administrator "md \Temp"

you are asked for the Administrator password as normal. After you supply the password, you get two error messages:

RUNAS ERROR: Unable to run - md \Temp
2: The system cannot find the file specified.

In fact, you find that built-in commands as a whole won’t work as anticipated. One way to overcome this problem is to place the commands in a batch file and then run the batch file as an administrator. This solution works fine when you plan to execute the command regularly. However, it’s not optimal when you plan to execute the command just once or twice. In this case, you must execute a copy of the command processor and use it to execute the command as shown here:

RunAs /User:Administrator "cmd /c \"md \Temp""

This command looks pretty convoluted, but it’s straightforward if you take it apart a little at a time. At the heart of everything is the md \Temp part of the command. In order to make this a separate command, you must enclose it in double quotes. Remember to escape the double quote that appears within the command string by using a backslash (as in \").

To execute the command processor, you simply type cmd. However, you want the command processor to start, execute the command, and then terminate, so you also add the /c command line switch. The command processor string is also enclosed within double quotes to make it appear as a single command to RunAs.

Make sure you use forward slashes and backslashes as needed. Using the wrong slash will make the command fail.

The RunAs command can now proceed as you normally use it. In this case, the command only includes the username. You can also include the password, when necessary. Let me know if you find this workaround helpful at [email protected].

Accessing a Global String

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on June 30, 2011.

Some examples work well across multiple editions of my book with slight modifications, so if you have the third edition of my book and this code looks familiar, it probably is with small changes. The example in question in this case now appears in Book I Chapter 7 of C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition. The example shown in Listings 7-6, 7-7, and 7-8 describes how to declare a global int variable using extern and one reader wanted to extend this example to the string type. The reader had tried several times, but kept getting the following error message (in fact, you can find this same error in Code::Blocks 8.02 and 10.05 and the update in this post works with both versions):

error: 'string' does not name a type

I’m assuming that you’ve already read the discussion about this example (be sure you read the entire section from pages 183 to 185). Creating a fix for this problem isn’t hard, but providing some example code will make things easier to understand. The first issue is to include the required support in main.cpp (shown in Listing 7-6). Here’s an updated version that includes an entry for a string variable named CheeseburgerType.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "sharealike.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
  DoubleCheeseburgers = 20;
  CheeseburgerType = "Deluxe";
  return 0;

As you can see, you must provide #include <string> and then set CheeseburgerType to a value, which is "Deluxe" in this case. Otherwise, the example works precisely the same as before.

Let’s look at sharealike.h next (Listing 7-7). The following code changes are essential or the example will never work.

using namespace std;
extern int DoubleCheeseburgers;
extern string CheeseburgerType;
void EatAtJoes();

Notice the inclusion of using namespace std;. The example will fail to compile without this statement added unless you specify the namespace as part of the type declaration. Once you define this addition, you can create the extern string CheeseburgerType; declaration. Of course, if string were part of another namespace, you’d use that namespace instead.

The final part of the puzzle is to create the required implementation. This part appears in sharealike.cpp (Listing 7-8). Here’s the final piece of the example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "sharealike.h"
using namespace std;
int DoubleCheeseburgers;
string CheeseburgerType;
void EatAtJoes() {
  cout << "How many cheeseburgers today?" << endl;
  cout << DoubleCheeseburgers << " " << CheeseburgerType << endl;

As with main.cpp, you must add the appropriate #include. In addition, this part of the example updates EatAtJoes() to include CheeseburgerType in the output. When you run this example, you’ll now see a cheeseburger type in the output as shown here:

The output of the updated version of GlobalVariable shows the kind of cheeseburger.
The output of GlobalVariable now shows the kind of cheeseburger.

Are there any questions on this extension? Please let me know at [email protected]. You can download the updated version of the code as GlobalVariable2 here:

Simulating Users with the RunAs Command

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on April 26, 2011.

One of the problems with writing applications, administering any network, or understanding system issues is to ensure that you see things from the user’s perspective. It doesn’t matter what your forte might be (programmer, administrator, DBA, manager, or the like), getting the user view of things is essential or your efforts are doomed to failure. Of course, this means seeing what the user sees. Anyone can run an application at the administrator level with good success, but the user level is another story because the user might not have access to resources or rights to perform tasks correctly.

Most knowledgeable users know that you can simulate an administrator by right clicking the application and choosing Run As Administrator from the context menu. In fact, if you Shift+Right Click the application, you’ll see an entry for Run As A Different User on the context menu that allows you to start the application as any user on the system. However, the GUI has limitations, including an inability to use this approach for batch testing of an application. In addition, this approach uses the RunAs command defaults, such as loading the user’s profile, which could cause the application to react differently than it does on the user’s system because it can’t find the resources it needs on your system.

A more practical approach is to use the RunAs command directly to get the job done. You can see some basic coverage of this command on page 480 of Windows Command-Line Administration Instant Reference. To gain a basic appreciation of how the user views things, simply type RunAs /User:UserName Command and press Enter (where UserName is the user’s fully qualified logon name including domain and Command is the command you wish to test). For example, if you want to see how Notepad works for user John, you’d type RunAs /User:John Notepad and press Enter. At this point, the RunAs command will ask for the user’s password. You’ll need to ask the user to enter it for you, but at that point, you can work with the application precisely as the user works with it.

Note that I highly recommend that you create test user accounts with the rights that real users have, rather than use a real user’s account for testing. Otherwise, if something goes wrong (and it usually does), you’ve damaged a real user’s account. Make sure you follow all of the usual policies to create this test user account and that you have as many test user accounts as needed to meet your organization’s needs.

Of course, many commands require that you provide command line arguments. In order to use command line arguments, you must enclose the entire command in double quotes. For example, if you want to open a file named Output.TXT located in the C:\MyDocs folder using Notepad and see it in precisely the same way that the user sees it, you’d type RunAs /User:John “Notepad C:\MyDocs\Output.TXT” and press Enter.

In some cases, you need to test the application using the users credentials, but find that the user’s profile gets in the way. The user’s system probably isn’t set up the same as your system, so you need your profile so that the system can find things on your machine and not on the user’s machine. In this case, you add the /NoProfile command line switch to use your profile. It’s a good idea to try the command with the user’s profile first, just to get things as close as you can to what the user sees. The default is to load the user’s profile, so you don’t have to do anything special to obtain this effect.

An entire group of users might experience a problem with an application. In this case, you don’t necessarily want to test with a particular user’s account, but with a specific trust level. You can see the trust levels setup on your system by typing RunAs /ShowTrustLevels and pressing Enter. To run an application using a trust level, use the /TrustLevel command line switch. For example, to open Output.TXT as a basic user, you’d type RunAs /TrustLevel:0x20000 “Notepad C:\MyDocs\Output.TXT” and press Enter. The basic trust levels are:

  • 0x40000 – System
  • 0x30000 – Administrator
  • 0x20000 – Basic User
  • 0x10000 – Untrusted User

Many people are experiencing problems using the /ShowTrustLevels and /TrustLevel command line switches with newer versions of Windows. The consensus seems to be that Microsoft has changed things with the introduction of UAC and that you’ll need to work with the new Elevation Power Toys to get the job done. You may also want to review the article PowerToys running with administrator permissions because it provides some insights that may be helpful in this case as well. I’d be interested in hearing about people’s experiences. Contact me at [email protected].

C++ Switch Statement Using Strings

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on May 13, 2015.

Readers sometimes ask me the same question often enough that I feel compelled to provide the answer on my blog so that everyone has the benefit of seeing it. C++ does have a switch statement, but you need to use a numeric value with it as described in my book, C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition (see page 295 for details). A number of C# developers who are also learning to use C++ have asked me about using strings in the switch statement, which is clearly impossible without some fancy programming technique.

Fortunately, I have found a method for implementing switches using strings on CodeGuru. As the author states, it’s not a perfect solution and you may not find it works for you, but it is an ingenious coding technique and you should at least look at it. It’s better than saying the goal isn’t achievable using any means. To get a better idea of the methods other coders have used to overcome this problem, check out online discussions, such as Why switch statement cannot be applied on strings?.

Something I haven’t been asked about very much, but is really important, is the use of other approaches when working with switches, such as expressions. The C++ Statement article shows how to use expressions with switch statements, while Switch Statement in C/C++ explores some interesting uses of expressions with switches in more detail. The switch statement documentation discusses upcoming changes for C++ 23, but these changes currently don’t appear in my book.

Of course, I’m always on the lookout for other good solutions to reader problems. If you have another solution to this issue of using strings with the C++ switch statement, please contact me at [email protected]. I always want to keep the door open to an even more innovative solutions. In the meantime, keep those e-mails coming!

JavaScript and Memory Leaks

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on January 25, 2013.

I’ve written any number of books that either include JavaScript development directly or indirectly. For example, when you create a web application in C#, there is some JavaScript involved that might ruin your day unless you have some idea of what that code is doing and how it can go wrong. If you enable JavaScript on your Android phone or tablet, then you can also use JavaScript development techniques in that environment. Because JavaScript provides a well-known and standardized environment, you often find it used in places where you may not think to look, which means taking the time to actually review the code that your IDE generates for web-based applications.

One of my goals in writing a book is to introduce you to techniques that produce useful applications in an incredibly short time without writing bad code. The term bad code covers a lot of ground, but one of the more serious issues is one of memory leaks. Applications that have memory leaks will cause the application and everything else on the system to slow down due to a lack of usable memory. In addition, memory leaks can actually cause the application to crash or the system to freeze when all of the available memory is used up. So, it was with great interest that I read an LogRocket article recently entitled, How to escape from memory leaks in JavaScript. The article contains a lot of useful advice in writing good JavaScript code that won’t cause your users heartache.

One of the most important parts of this article is that it covers memory leaks as a process. There is a list of common memory leak types and how to identify them. It also introduces you to tools and techniques for fixing memory errors using Chrome DevTools.

It’s essential to know that this article doesn’t cover everything. A big one is that the memory leak you’re seeing in your application may not be due to your code—it may be caused by the browser. The potential for browser problems is an important one to keep in mind because these issues affect every application that runs, not just yours. However, when your application performs a lot of work that requires heavy memory use, the user may see your application as the culprit. It pays to track browser issues so that you can support your users properly and recommend browser updates for running your application when appropriate. For that matter, you can simply determine whether the user has one of the poorly designed browsers and tell the user to perform an update instead of running the application.

There are other potential sources of memory leaks. For example, using the wrong third party library could cause considerable woe when it comes to memory usage (amongst other issues). Consequently, you need to research any libraries or templates that you use carefully. The libraries, templates, and other tools discussed in my books are chosen with extreme care to ensure you get the best start possible in creating JavaScript applications.

One of the reasons I find JavaScript so compelling as a language is that it has grown to include enough features to create real applications that run in just about any browser on just about any platform. The ability to run applications anywhere at any time has been a long term goal of computer science and it finally seems to be a reality at a certain level. What are your thoughts on JavaScript? Let me know at [email protected].

In Praise of Dual Monitors

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on February 5, 2014.

In reading many of my old blog posts, I’m finding that many of the things I said way back when apply equally well today. I’ve received email from budding developers who use their smartphone to code. Just how they perform this trick is beyond me because I squint at the screen performing the simplest of tasks and often find that my fingers are two sizes too big. I have tried coding on a tablet, a laptop, and (oddly enough) my television. While they do work, they’re not particularly efficient, so I’ll stick with my dual-monitor desktop system for coding.

Yes, I know that some developers use more than just two monitors, but I find that two monitors work just fine. The first monitor is my work monitor—the monitor I use for actually typing code. The second monitor is my view monitor. When I run the application, the output appears on the second monitor so that I can see the result of changes I’ve made. Using two monitors lets me easily correlate the change in code to the changes in application design. Otherwise, I’d be wasting time switching between the application output and my IDE.

I also use two monitors when writing my books. The work monitor contains my word processor, while my view monitor contains the application I’m writing about. This is possibly one time when a third monitor could be helpful—one to hold the word processor, one to hold the IDE, and one to view the application output. However, in this case, a third monitor could actually slow things down because the time spent viewing the output of an example is small when compared to creating a production application.

The concept of separating work from the source of information used to perform the work isn’t new. People have used the idea for thousands of years, in fact. For example, when people employed typewriters to output printed text, the typist employed a special stand to hold the manuscript being typed. The idea of having a view of your work and then another surface to actually work on is used quite often throughout history because it’s a convenient way to perform tasks quickly. By employing dual monitors, I commonly get between a 15 percent to 33 percent increase in output, simply because I can see my work and its associated view at the same time.

Working with dual monitors not only saves time, but can also reduce errors. By typing as I view the output of applications, I can more reliably relate the text of labels and other information the application provides. The same holds true when viewing information sources found in other locations. Seeing the information as I type it is always less likely to produce errors.

Don’t get the idea that I support using dual monitors in every situation. Many consumer-oriented computer uses are served just fine with a single monitor. For example, there isn’t a good reason to use two monitors when viewing e-mail in many cases—at least, not at the consumer level (you could make a case for using dual monitors when working with e-mails and a calendar to manage tasks, for example). Dual monitors commonly see use in the business environment because people aren’t necessarily creating their own information source—the information comes from a variety of sources that the user must view in order to use reliably.

Do you see yourself using dual monitors? If you use such a setup now, how do you employ it? Let me know at [email protected].

Choosing Variable Names

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on January 17, 2014.

It often surprises me that developers seem to choose completely useless variable names like MyVariable when creating an application. Although MyVariable could be an interesting variable name for an example in a book, it never has a place in any sort of production code. Even then, I try to create book examples with meaningful variable names, especially when getting past the initial “Hello World” example. Variable names are important because they tell others:

  • What sort of information the variable stores
  • When the variable is commonly used
  • Where the variable is used
  • How to use the variable correctly
  • Why the variable is important

In some cases, the variable name could even indicate who created the variable; although, this sort of information is extremely rare. If you never thought a variable name should contain all that information, then perhaps you haven’t been choosing the best variable names for your application.

Even with these restrictions in place, choosing a variable name can be uncommonly hard if you want to maximize the name’s value to both yourself and other developers. Some organizations make the selection process easier by following certain conventions. If you don’t have an organizational style guide for variable naming, modern programming languages like Python commonly provide a style guide for you to use. These style guides often consider a great deal more than simply variable naming and include issues like the amount of indentation to use. In some respects, they become quite draconian in their approach. Other style guides, like the one for C#, are less time consuming to learn, which is a good thing because most developers have better things to do with their time than to learn some of these nitpicky details. A few languages suffer from an abundance of style guides, like C++. It’s best to choose one of them, such as the Google C++ Style Guide, and stick with it.

However, let’s say that you want to create your own style guide for your organization to use because you use multiple languages and having a different style guide for each language seems just a bit absurd, not to mention adding needless complexity. In this case, you need to ask yourself a series of questions to determine how you want the style guide to work, such as these:

  1. What sort of casing do you want to use for what types of variables?
  2. What information does the variable contain (such as a list of names)?
  3. How is the variable used (such as locally or globally, or to contain coordinates, or a special kind of object)?
  4. When appropriate, what kind of information does the variable contain (such as a string or the coordinate of a pixel on screen)?
  5. Is the variable used for a special task (such as data conversion)?
  6. What case should prefixes, suffixes, and other naming elements appear in when a language is case sensitive?

The point is that you need to choose variable names with care so that you know what they mean later. Carefully chosen variable names make it possible for you to read your code with greater ease and locate bugs a lot faster. They also make it easier for others to understand your code and for you to remember what the code does months after you’ve written it. However, most important of all, useful variable names help you see immediately that a variable is being using the wrong way, such as assigning the length of a name string to a coordinate position on screen (even though both variables are integer values). Let me know your thoughts about variable naming at [email protected].

Antiquated Technology Making Developers Faster

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on November 7, 2014.

I often wonder when I create a blog post whether the technology I’m describing will stand the test of time. In this case, I asked whether the reader would like to be able to type application code faster and with fewer keystrokes. The article, The 100 Year Old Trick to Writing at 240 Words Per Minute, probably has some good advice for you—at least, if you’re willing to learn the technique. It turns out that stenography isn’t only useful for court typists and people who print out the text for the hearing impaired on television, it’s also quite useful for developer. Yes, your IDE probably has more than a few tricks available for speeding up your typing, but I guarantee that these tricks only go so far. My personal best typing speed is 110 wpm and that’s flat out typing as fast as my fingers will go.

Since that original post, someone has come out with a book called Learn Plover! that describes how to use this stenographic technique in more detail. There is also a site devoted to Plover now.

Naturally, I haven’t ever used one of the devices mentioned in the article. However, a stenographer named Mirabai Knight has tried one of the devices and reproduced a 140 keystroke Python application using only 50 keystrokes. By the way, she has produced a series of interesting videos that you may want to review if you really think that Plover is for you. I don’t know of any IDE that can provide that sort of efficiency. Of course, it’s one thing for a trained stenographer to produce these sorts of results, but I’d like to hear from any developer who has used the technique to hear about how well it worked for them. Please contact me about your experiences at [email protected]. (Oddly enough, I did hear from at least one developer who uses it successfully.)

The part that interested me most though is that the system, called Plover, is written in Python. (If you want to see Plover in action, check out the video at A number of Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies, 3rd Edition readers have written to ask me how they can use their new found programming skills. The book contains sections that tell you about all sorts of ways in which Python is being used, but many of these uses are in large corporations. This particular use is by a small developer—someone just like you. Yet, it has a big potential for impacting how developers work. Just imagine the look on the boss’ face when you turn in your application in half the time because you can type it in so much faster? So, Python isn’t just for really large companies or for scientists—it’s for everyone who needs a language that can help them create useful applications of the sort that Python is best suited to target (and I describe all of these uses in my book).

Understanding the Continuing Need for C++

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on February 23, 2015.

I maintain statistics on all my books, including C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition. These statistics are based on reader e-mail and other sources of input that I get. I even take the comments on into account. One of the most common C++ questions I get (not the most common, but it’s up there) is why someone would want to use the language in the first place. It’s true, C++ isn’t the language to use if you’re creating a database application and schools now prefer Python as an introductory programming language for older children. However, it is the language to use if you’re writing low-level code that has to run fast. C++ also sees use in a vast number of libraries because library code has to be fast. For example, check out the Python libraries at some point and you’ll find C++ staring back at you. In fact, part of the Python documentation discusses how to use C++ to create extensions.

I decided to look through some of my past notes to see if there was some succinct discussion of just why C++ is a useful language for the average developer to know. That’s when I ran across an InfoWorld article entitled, “Stroustrup: Why the 35-year-old C++ still dominates ‘real’ dev.” Given that the guy being interviewed is Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of C++, it’s a great source of information. The interview is revealing because it’s obvious that Bjarne is taking a measured view of C++ and not simply telling everyone to use it for every occasion (quite the contrary, in fact).

The bottom line in C++ development is speed. Along with speed, you also get flexibility and great access to the hardware. As with anything, you pay a price for getting these features. In the case of C++, you’ll experience increased development time, greater complexity, and more difficulty in locating bugs. Some people are taking a new route to C++ speed though and that’s to write their code in one language and move it to C++ from there. For example, some Python developers are now cross-compiling their code into C++ to gain a speed advantage. You can read about it in the InfoWorld article entitled, Python to C converter tool.

A lot of readers will close a message to me asking whether there is a single language they can learn to do everything well. Unfortunately, there isn’t any such language and given the nature of computer languages, I doubt there ever will be. Every language has a niche for which it’s indispensable. The smart developer has a toolbox full of languages suited for every job the developer intends to tackle.

Do you find that you really don’t understand how the languages in my books can help you? Let me know your book-specific language questions at [email protected]. It’s always my goal that you understand how the material you’ve learned while reading one of my books will eventually help you in the long run. After all, what’s the point of reading a book that doesn’t help you in some material way? Thanks, as always, for your staunch support of my writing efforts!