Greetings and Salutations

Red Skies at Night: Sailor’s Delight! Red Skies in the morning: Sailors take warning!

Starting this blog is sort of like launching a boat on the ocean.

It’s exciting!  It’s going to be a challenge and I love that.

There will certainly be hidden obstacles, rocky shoals and safe harbors along the way.  There will be foggy weeks where the words are hidden and hard to put onto paper.

But, there will be some weeks that will be crystal clear and smooth sailing with the wind in the hair and the arms in the air!

As everyone can see, my writing style is quite a bit different than my friend, John’s.  We are very different in temperament, history, upbringing and world view.

However, being invited to ride on the waves of the Internet alongside an established author, such as John Paul is a positive thrill and huge privilege.

As we get to know each other in this blog, it is my hope that you will find the information useful; the stories endearing and my approach to self-sufficiency complimentary to John’s and Rebecca’s. They have both played an important part in the care and maintenance of my little boat of living.

I think of it as my personal “Cruise Line”.

I hope that it is not related to the Titanic.

I know that it’s a little Dinghy!

So – Crack the champagne bottle on the bow and hoist the mainsail! Let me about your self-sufficiency questions by adding your comment to this post or contacting John at [email protected].