Sending Comments on My Books

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on February 23, 2012.

I regularly receive a stack of e-mail about my books. Readers question everything and it makes me happy to see that they’re reviewing my books so closely. It means that I’m accomplishing my principle goal, helping you understand computers in every possible way so that you can be more productive and accomplish tasks with less effort. When I make something easier for someone and they tell me about it, the grin extends from one side of my face to another. It really makes my day.

Some readers are still asking me if it’s OK to send me comments. I definitely want to see any constructive comment that you have. Anything that helps me understand your needs better makes it possible for me to write better books. I really do want to hear from you. The main element that I need to obtain a usable comment is that it’s constructive. A comment that lacks details isn’t helpful because I’ve written so many books. Emotional comments without any substance are especially hard to deal with because they leave me wondering what you need from me. Here are some of the things you can do to create a constructive comment:

  • What is the title of the book you’re reading (be sure to include the edition number, which is usually right on the cover unless it’s a first edition)?
  • Are you using the downloadable source code if this is a programming book?
  • Did you install the recommended version of any required software using the instructions found in the book?
  • Which page contains the error (if you’re using Kindle or other electronic media, please provide a chapter number and section title as a minimum)?
  • What do you view as an error on that page?
  • How would you fix the error?
  • What sort of system are you running?
  • When did you encounter the problem?

The more information you provide, the easier it is for me to understand the issue and provide you with feedback. In many cases, I’ll upload the fix to my blog so that everyone can benefit from the response (so be sure you keep an eye on my blog for new entries). I work hard to ensure that my books are as error free as possible, but everyone makes mistakes. Also remember that sometimes mitigating factors, such as differences in software versions or anticipated hardware, make it appear that there is an error in the book when you’re really looking at a different in environment. Help me provide you with better books—send me comments!

There are a few things that I won’t do for you. I won’t help you pass an exam at school. Your learning experience is important to me, which means that I want you to continue your education by working through the instruction on your own. I also don’t provide free consulting. This means I won’t check the code that you created on your own for errors. In addition, if you don’t use the downloadable source, be sure to read Verifying Your Hand Typed Code for restrictions on the level of support that I provide. I’ll help you with any book-specific question, but I draw the line at that point. Let me know if you have any input or insights on my books at [email protected].

Book Reviews – Doing Your Part

This is an update of a post that originally appeared on October 4, 2013.

Readers contact me quite a lot about my books. On an average day, I receive around 65 reader e-mails about a wide range of book-related topics. Many of them are complimentary about my books and it’s hard to put down in words just how much I appreciate the positive feedback. Often, I’m humbled to think that people would take time to write.

There is another part to reader participation in books, however, and it doesn’t have anything to do with me—it has to do with other readers. When you read one of my books and find the information useful, it’s helpful to write a review about it so that others can know what to expect. I want to be sure that every reader who purchases one of my books is happy with that purchase and gets the most possible out of the book. The wording that the publisher’s marketing staff and I use to describe a book represents our viewpoint of that book and not necessarily the viewpoint of the reader. The only way that other readers will know how a book presents information from the reader perspective is for other readers to write reviews. A good review will tell:

  • What you liked about the book
  • How it met your needs
  • What it provides in the way of usable content
  • Whether you liked any intangibles, such as the author’s writing style
  • When you used the content to obtain a new job or learn a new skill
  • Who recommended the book to you

    The review should also present any negatives (obviously, I want to know about the flaws, too, so that I can correct them in the next edition of the book and also discuss them on my blog):

    • Did the book provide enough detailed procedures needed to accomplish a task?
    • Are significant technical flaws and why do you feel they’re an issue?
    • Are there enough graphics to augment the text and make it clearer?
    • Is the source code useful?

    Many reviewing venues, such as the one found on Amazon, also ask you to provide a rating for the book. You should rate the book based on your experience with other books and on how this particular book met your needs in learning a new topic. The kind of review to avoid writing is a rant or one that isn’t actually based on reading the whole book. As always, I’m here (at [email protected]) to answer any questions you have and many of your questions have appeared as blog posts when the situation warrants.

    So, just where do you make these reviews? The publishers sometimes provide a venue for expressing your opinion and you can certainly go to the publisher site to create such a review. I personally prefer to upload my reviews to Amazon because it’s a location that many people frequent to find out more about books. You can go to the site, click Write a Customer Review (near the bottom of the page), and then provide your viewpoint about the book.

    Thank you in advance for taking the time and effort required to write a review. I know it’s time consuming, but it’s an important task that only you can perform.

    Fooling Facial Recognition Software

    One of the points that Luca and I made in Artificial Intelligence for Dummies, 2nd EditionAlgorithms for Dummies, 2nd EditionPython for Data Science for Dummies, and Machine Learning for Dummies, 2nd Edition is that AI is all about algorithms and that it can’t actually think. An AI appears to think due to clever programming, but the limits of that programming quickly become apparent under testing. In the article, U.S. Marines Outsmart AI Security Cameras by Hiding in a Cardboard Box, the limits of AI are almost embarrassingly apparent because the AI failed to catch even one of them. In fact, it doesn’t take a Marine to outsmart an AI, the article, This Clothing Line Tricks AI Cameras Without Covering Your Face, tells how to do it and look fashionable at the same time. Anthropomorphizing AI and making it seem like it’s more than it is is one sure path to disappointment.

    My book, Machine Learning Security Principles, points out a wealth of specific examples of the AI being fooled as part of an examination of machine learning-based security. Some businesses rely on facial recognition now as part of their security strategy with the false hope that it’s reliable and that it will provide an alert in all cases. As recommended in my book, machine learning-based security is just one tool that requires a human to back it up. The article, This Simple Technique Made Me Invisible to Two Major Facial Recognition Systems, discusses just how absurdly easy it is to fool facial recognition software if you don’t play by the rules; the rules being what the model developer expected someone to do.

    The problems become compounded when local laws ban the use of facial recognition software due its overuse by law enforcement in potentially less than perfect circumstances. There are reports of false arrest that could have possibly been avoided if the human doing the arresting made a check to verify the identity of the person in question. There are lessons in all this for a business too. Using facial recognition should be the start of a more intensive process to verify a particular action, rather than just assume that the software is going to be 100% correct.

    Yes, AI, machine learning, and deep learning applications can do amazing things today, as witnessed by the explosion in use of ChatGPT for all kinds of tasks. It’s a given that security professionals, researchers, data scientists, and various managerial roles will increasingly use these technologies to reduce their workload and improve overall consistency of all sorts of tasks, including security, that these applications are good at performing. However, even as the technologies improve, people will continue to find ways to overcome them and cause them to perform in unexpected ways. In fact, it’s a good bet that the problems will increase for the foreseeable future as the technologies become more complex (hence, more unreliable). Monitoring the results of any smart application is essential, making humans essential, as part of any solution. Let me know your thoughts about facial recognition software and other security issues at [email protected].

    Using the Set Command to Your Advantage

    This is an update of a post that originally appeared on February 24, 2014.

    A short while ago, I created a post about the Windows path. A number of people wrote me about that post with questions. Yes, you can use the technique for setting the Path environment variable to set any other environment variable. The Windows Environment Variables dialog box works for any environment variable—including those used by language environments such as Java, JavaScript, and Python. Windows doesn’t actually care what sort of environment variable you create using the method that I discuss in that post. The environment variable will appear in every new command prompt window you create for either a single user or all users of a particular system, depending on how you create the environment variable.

    A few of you took me to task for not mentioning the Set command. This particular command appears in Microsoft Windows Command Line Administration Instant Reference. It’s a useful command because you can temporarily configure a command prompt session to support a new set of settings. When the session is ended, the settings are gone. Only those settings you create as part of Environment Variables window have any permanence. There are other tricks you can use, but using Set for temporary environment variables and the Environment Variables window for permanent environment variables are the two most common approaches.

    In order to see the current environment variables you simply type Set and press Enter at the command line. If you add a space and one or more letters, you see just the matching environment variables. For example, type Set U and press Enter to see all of the environment variables that begin with the letter U.

    To set an environment variable, you add the name of the variable, an equals sign (=), and the variable value. For example, to set the value of MyVariable to Hello, you type Set MyVariable=Hello and press Enter. To verify that MyVariable does indeed equal Hello, you type Set MyVariable and press Enter. The command prompt will display the value of MyVariable. When you’re done using MyVariable, you can type Set MyVariable= and press Enter. Notice the addition of the equals sign. If you ask for the value of MyVariable again, the command prompt will tell you it doesn’t exist.

    Newer versions of the command prompt provide some additional functionality. For example, you might set MyVariable within a batch file and not know what value it should contain when you create the batch file. In this case, you can prompt the user to provide a value using the /P command line switch. For example, if you type Set /P MyVariable=Type a value for my variable: and press Enter, you’ll see a prompt to enter the variable value.

    It’s also possible to perform math with Set using the /A command line switch. There is a whole list of standard math notations you can use. Type Set /? and press Enter to see them all. If you write application code at all, you’ll recognize the standard symbols. For example, if you want to increment the value of a variable each time something happens, you can use the += operator. Type Set /A MyVariable+=1 and press Enter to see how this works. The first time you make the call, MyVariable will equal 1. However, on each succeeding call, the value will increment by 1 (for values of 2, 3, and so on).

    Environment variables support expansion and you can see this work using the Echo command. For example, if you type Echo %MyVariable%, you see the value of MyVariable.

    However, you might not want the entire value of MyVariable. Newer versions of the command prompt support substrings. The variable name is followed by a :~, the beginning position, a comma, and the ending position. For example, if you place Hello World in MyVariable, and then type Echo %MyVariable:~0,5% and press Enter, you see Hello as the output, not Hello World. Adding a negative sign causes the expansion to occur from the end of the string. For example, if you type Echo %MyVariable:~-5% and press Enter, you see World as the output.

    The Set command is a valuable addition to both the administrator’s and programmer’s toolkit because it lets you set environment variables temporarily. The Set command figures prominently in batch file processing and also provides configuration options for specific needs. Let me know about your environment variable questions as they pertain to my books at [email protected].

    Python Community Support

    This is an update of a post that originally appeared on October 13, 2014.

    There are many issues to consider when choosing a programming language. Python is no exception. Just because I feel it’s the right tool to meet some of my needs doesn’t mean it will work well for you. That’s why the Understanding Why Python is So Cool section of Chapter 1 in Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies, 3rd Edition is so important. This section tells you why I see Python as an important programming language and why you might want to use it too. I break the problem into three parts: what Python can do for your application needs, how Python can benefit you personally, and which organizations are using Python for specific tasks. Between the three sections, you can make an intelligent decision as to whether Python will actually serve your particular needs. I really don’t want you to take my word for it—I would rather know that you selected Python based on your own research.

    No matter how interesting a language is, no matter how many features it provides, and no matter how much you personally like it—you can’t typically learn a language that lacks broad community support with any ease. If no one else is using the language and contributing to it in some major way, the language will eventually die. Fortunately, Python doesn’t have this problem. Chapter 21 of my book discusses ten essential libraries for Python, none of which come with the language when you download it. In fact, the introduction to this chapter lists a number of places where you can find even more libraries to use.

    The thing is that Python keeps attracting ever more attention. A recent Dev article, 10 Best Tools Python Programmers Can Learn in 2023, provides you with access to tools you really need to know about. The point about tools is that they represent an essential form of community support. As people use a language, they start to build places where others can discuss it with them. However, that’s only one form of community support. Tools represent a significant increase in support because creating, debugging, and supporting a tool requires time and effort that most developers don’t have in abundance. Someone really has to believe in a language to provide this sort of language support.

    The fact is that Python has become a “must learn” language. It has great community support, provides a broad range of functionality through libraries and tools, and is fully supported by the academic community. Even though other languages have had these advantages and eventually failed, the chances are far less likely that Python will experience problems. In fact, many rankings sites show Python as being the most popular language out there right now.

    Community support is an essential determinant of programming language popularity. How do you rank Python in your toolbox and why? Let me know at [email protected]. Tell me about your favorite Python library or tool and how you use it as well. (No vendor emails please, I want to hear from developers who are actually using products.) I’m interested in discovering just what makes some languages so incredibly popular (Python being one of the most popular).

    Adding a Location to the Windows Path

    This is an update of a post that originally appeared on February 17, 2014.

    A number of my books tell the reader to perform tasks at the command line. What this means is that the reader must have access to applications stored on the hard drive. Windows doesn’t track the location of every application. Instead, it relies on the Path environment variable to provide the potential locations of applications. If the application the reader needs doesn’t appear on the path, Windows won’t be able to find it. Windows will simply display an error message. So, it’s important that any applications you need to access for my books appear on the path if you need to access them from the command line.

    You can always see the current path by typing Path at the command line and pressing Enter. What you’ll see is a listing of locations, each of which is separated by a semicolon as shown here (your path will differ from mine).

    Using the Path command displays the current path.

    In this case, Windows will begin looking for an application in the current folder. If it doesn’t find the application there, then it will look in C:\Python33\, then in C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common, and so on down the list. Each potential location is separated from other locations using a semicolon as shown in the figure.

    There are a number of ways to add a location to the Windows path. If you only need to add a path temporarily, you can simply extend the path by setting it to the new value, plus the old value. For example, if you want to add C:\MyApp to the path, you’d type Path=C:\MyApp;%Path% and press Enter. Notice that you must add a semicolon after C:\MyApp. Using %Path% appends the existing path after C:\MyApp. Here is how the result looks on screen.

    Adding a path is a relatively simple process using the Path= command

    Of course, there are times when you want to make the addition to the path permanent because you plan to access the associated application regularly. In this case, you must perform the task within Windows itself. The following steps tell you how.

    1. Right click This Computer (or Computer) and choose Properties from the context menu or select Settings (or System in the Control Panel). You see the a Settings (System) window similar to the one shown here open (precisely what you see depends on which version of Windows you have, the figure shows Windows 10).

      The Settings window in Windows 10.

      2. Click Advanced System Settings. You see the Advanced tab of the System Properties dialog box shown here.

      The Advanced tab provides access to your permanent path in Windows.

      3. Click Environment Variables. You see the Environment Variables dialog box shown here. Notice that there are actually two sets of variables. The top set affects only the current user. So, if you plan to use the application, but don’t plan for others to use it, you’d make the Path environment variable change in the top field. The bottom set affects everyone who uses the computer. This is where you’d change the path if you want everyone to be able to use the application.

      There are paths that affect only the current user and those that affect the system as a whole.

      4. Locate the existing Path environment variable in the list of variables for either the personal or system environment variables and click Edit. If there is no existing Path environment variable, click New instead. You see a dialog box similar to the one shown here when working with Windows 10 (other versions of Windows will show a different dialog box, but the purpose is the same, to edit the path).

      Each path location appears on a separate line to make it easy to edit.

      When you open a new command prompt, you’ll see the new path in play. Changing the environment variable won’t change the path for any existing command prompt windows. Having the right path available when you want to perform the exercises in my books is important. Let me know if you have any questions about them at [email protected].




      Antiquated Technology Making Developers Faster

      This is an update of a post that originally appeared on November 7, 2014.

      I often wonder when I create a blog post whether the technology I’m describing will stand the test of time. In this case, I asked whether the reader would like to be able to type application code faster and with fewer keystrokes. The article, The 100 Year Old Trick to Writing at 240 Words Per Minute, probably has some good advice for you—at least, if you’re willing to learn the technique. It turns out that stenography isn’t only useful for court typists and people who print out the text for the hearing impaired on television, it’s also quite useful for developer. Yes, your IDE probably has more than a few tricks available for speeding up your typing, but I guarantee that these tricks only go so far. My personal best typing speed is 110 wpm and that’s flat out typing as fast as my fingers will go.

      Since that original post, someone has come out with a book called Learn Plover! that describes how to use this stenographic technique in more detail. There is also a site devoted to Plover now.

      Naturally, I haven’t ever used one of the devices mentioned in the article. However, a stenographer named Mirabai Knight has tried one of the devices and reproduced a 140 keystroke Python application using only 50 keystrokes. By the way, she has produced a series of interesting videos that you may want to review if you really think that Plover is for you. I don’t know of any IDE that can provide that sort of efficiency. Of course, it’s one thing for a trained stenographer to produce these sorts of results, but I’d like to hear from any developer who has used the technique to hear about how well it worked for them. Please contact me about your experiences at [email protected]. (Oddly enough, I did hear from at least one developer who uses it successfully.)

      The part that interested me most though is that the system, called Plover, is written in Python. (If you want to see Plover in action, check out the video at A number of Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies, 3rd Edition readers have written to ask me how they can use their new found programming skills. The book contains sections that tell you about all sorts of ways in which Python is being used, but many of these uses are in large corporations. This particular use is by a small developer—someone just like you. Yet, it has a big potential for impacting how developers work. Just imagine the look on the boss’ face when you turn in your application in half the time because you can type it in so much faster? So, Python isn’t just for really large companies or for scientists—it’s for everyone who needs a language that can help them create useful applications of the sort that Python is best suited to target (and I describe all of these uses in my book).

      Understanding the Continuing Need for C++

      This is an update of a post that originally appeared on February 23, 2015.

      I maintain statistics on all my books, including C++ All-In-One for Dummies, 4th Edition. These statistics are based on reader e-mail and other sources of input that I get. I even take the comments on into account. One of the most common C++ questions I get (not the most common, but it’s up there) is why someone would want to use the language in the first place. It’s true, C++ isn’t the language to use if you’re creating a database application and schools now prefer Python as an introductory programming language for older children. However, it is the language to use if you’re writing low-level code that has to run fast. C++ also sees use in a vast number of libraries because library code has to be fast. For example, check out the Python libraries at some point and you’ll find C++ staring back at you. In fact, part of the Python documentation discusses how to use C++ to create extensions.

      I decided to look through some of my past notes to see if there was some succinct discussion of just why C++ is a useful language for the average developer to know. That’s when I ran across an InfoWorld article entitled, “Stroustrup: Why the 35-year-old C++ still dominates ‘real’ dev.” Given that the guy being interviewed is Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of C++, it’s a great source of information. The interview is revealing because it’s obvious that Bjarne is taking a measured view of C++ and not simply telling everyone to use it for every occasion (quite the contrary, in fact).

      The bottom line in C++ development is speed. Along with speed, you also get flexibility and great access to the hardware. As with anything, you pay a price for getting these features. In the case of C++, you’ll experience increased development time, greater complexity, and more difficulty in locating bugs. Some people are taking a new route to C++ speed though and that’s to write their code in one language and move it to C++ from there. For example, some Python developers are now cross-compiling their code into C++ to gain a speed advantage. You can read about it in the InfoWorld article entitled, Python to C converter tool.

      A lot of readers will close a message to me asking whether there is a single language they can learn to do everything well. Unfortunately, there isn’t any such language and given the nature of computer languages, I doubt there ever will be. Every language has a niche for which it’s indispensable. The smart developer has a toolbox full of languages suited for every job the developer intends to tackle.

      Do you find that you really don’t understand how the languages in my books can help you? Let me know your book-specific language questions at [email protected]. It’s always my goal that you understand how the material you’ve learned while reading one of my books will eventually help you in the long run. After all, what’s the point of reading a book that doesn’t help you in some material way? Thanks, as always, for your staunch support of my writing efforts!

      Is Security Research Always Useful?

      This is an update of a post that originally appeared on February 19, 2016.

      Anyone involved in the computer industry likely spends some amount of time reading about the latest security issues in books such as Machine Learning Security Principles. Administrators and developers probably spend more time than many people, but no one can possibly read all the security research available today. There are so many researchers looking for so many bugs in so many places and in so many different ways that even if someone had the time and inclination to read every security article produced, it would be impossible. You’d need to be the speediest reader on the planet (and then some) to even think about scratching the surface. So, you must contemplate the usefulness of all that research—whether it’s actually useful or simply a method for some people to get their name on a piece of paper.

      What amazes me since I first wrote this blog post is that I have done a considerable amount of additional reading, including research papers, and find that most exploits remain essentially the same. The techniques may differ, they may improve, but the essentials of the exploit remain the same. It turns out that humans are the weakest link in every security chain and that social engineering attacks remain a mainstay of hackers. The one thing that has changed in seven years is that the use of machine learning and deep learning techniques has automated life for the hacker, much as these technologies have automated life for everyone else. In addition, a lack of proactive privacy makes it even easier than before for a hacker to create a believable attack by using publicly available information about an intended target.

      As part of researching security, you need to consider the viability of an attack, especially with regard to your organization, infrastructure, personnel, and applications. Some of the attacks require physical access to the system. In some cases, you must actually take the system apart to access components in order to perform the security trick. Many IoT attacks fall into this category. Unless you or your organization is in the habit of allowing perfect strangers physical access to your systems, which might include taking them apart, you must wonder whether the security issue is even worth worrying about. You need to ask why someone would take the time to document a security issue that’s nearly impossible to see, much less perform in a real world environment. More importantly, the moment you see that a security issue requires physical access to the device, you can probably stop reading.

      You also find attacks that require special equipment to perform. The article, How encryption keys could be stolen by your lunch, discusses one such attack. In fact, the article contains a picture of the special equipment that you must build to perpetrate the attack. It places said equipment into a piece of pita bread, which adds a fanciful twist to something that is already quite odd and pretty much unworkable given that you must be within 50 cm (19.6 in) from the device you want to attack (assuming that the RF transmission conditions are perfect). Except for the interesting attack vector (using a piece of pita bread), you really have to question why anyone would ever perpetrate this attack given that social engineering and a wealth of other attacks require no special equipment, are highly successful, and work from a much longer distance.

      It does pay to keep an eye on the latest and future targets of hacker attacks. Even though many IoT attacks are the stuff of James Bond today, hackers are paying attention to IoT, so it pays to secure your systems, which are likely wide open right now. As one of my experiments for Machine Learning Security Principles, I actually did hack my own smart thermostat (after which, I immediately improved security). The number of IoT attacks is increasing considerably, so ensuring that you maintain electrical, physical, and application security over your IoT devices is important, but not to the exclusion of other needs.

      A few research pieces become more reasonable by discussing outlandish sorts of hacks that could potentially happen after an initial break-in. The hack discussed in Design flaw in Intel chips opens door to rootkits is one of these sorts of hacks. You can’t perpetrate the hack until after breaking into the system some other way, but the break-in has serious consequences once it occurs. Even so, most hackers won’t take the time because they already have everything needed—the hack is overkill. However, this particular kind of hack should sound alarms in the security professional’s head. The Windows 11 requirement for the TPM 2.0 chip is supposed to make this kind of attack significantly harder, perhaps impossible, to perform. Of course, someone has already found a way to bypass the TPM 2.0 chip requirement and it doesn’t help that Microsoft actually signed off on a piece of rootkit malware for installation on a Windows 11 system. So, security research, even when you know that the actual piece of research isn’t particularly helpful, can become a source of information for thought experiments of what a hacker might do.

      The articles that help most provide a shot of reality into the decidedly conspiracy-oriented world of security. For example, Evil conspiracy? Nope, everyday cyber insecurity, discusses a series of events that everyone initially thought pointed to a major cyber attack. It turns out that the events occurred at the same time by coincidence. The article author thoughtfully points out some of the reasons that the conspiracy theories seemed a bit out of place at the outset anyway.

      It also helps to know the true sources of potential security issues. For example, the articles, In the security world, the good guys aren’t always good and 5 reasons why newer hires are the company’s biggest data security risk, point out the sources you really do need to consider when creating a security plan. These are the sorts of articles that should attract your attention because they describe a security issue that you really should think about.

      The point is that you encounter a lot of information out there that doesn’t help you make your system any more secure. It may be interesting if you have the time to read it, but the tactics truly aren’t practical and no hacker is going to use them. Critical thinking skills are your best asset when building your security knowledge. Let me know about your take on security research at [email protected].

      Technology and Child Safety

      This is an update of a post that originally appeared on January 20, 2016.

      I wrote a little over seven years ago that I had read an article in ComputerWorld, Children mine cobalt used in smartphones, other electronics, that had me thinking yet again about how people in rich countries tend to ignore the needs of those in poor countries. I had sincerely hoped at the time that things would be different, better, in seven years. Well, they’re worse! We’ve increased our use of cobalt dramatically in order to create supposedly green cars. The picture at the beginning of the ComputerWorld article says it all, but the details will have you wondering whether a smartphone or an electric car really is worth some child’s life. That’s right, any smartphone or electric car you buy may be killing someone and in a truly horrid manner. Children as young as 7 years old are mining the cobalt needed for the batteries (and other components) in the smartphones and electric cars that people seem to feel are so necessary for life (they aren’t you know; food, water, clothing, shelter, sleep, air, and reproduction are necessities, everything else is a luxury).

      The problem doesn’t stop when someone gets rid the smartphone, electric car, or other technology. Other children end up dismantling the devices sent for recycling. That’s right, a rich country’s efforts to keep electronics out of their landfills is also killing children because countries like India put these children to work taking them apart in unsafe conditions. Recycled wastes go from rich countries to poor countries because the poor countries need the money for necessities, like food. Often, these children are incapable of working by the time they reach 35 or 40 due to health issues induced by their forced labor. In short, the quality of their lives is made horribly low so that it’s possible for people in rich countries to enjoy something that truly isn’t necessary for life. To make matters worse, the vendors of these products build in obsolescence (making them unrepairable) so they can sell more products and make more money, increasing the devastation visited on children.

      I’ve written other blog posts about the issues of technology pollution. However, the emphasis of these previous articles has been on the pollution itself. Taking personal responsibility for the pollution you create is important, but we really need to do more. Robotic (autonomous) mining is one way to keep children out of the mines and projects such as UX-1 show that it’s entirely possible to use robots in place of people today. The weird thing is that autonomous mining would save up to 80% of the mining costs of today, so you have to wonder why manufacturers aren’t rushing to employ this solution.

      In addition, off world mining would keep the pollution in space, rather than on planet earth. Of course, off world mining also requires a heavy investment in robots, but it promises to provide a huge financial payback in addition to keeping earth a bit cleaner. The point is that there are alternatives that we’re not using. Robotics presents an opportunity to make things right with technology and I’m excited to be part of that answer in writing books such as Machine Learning Security PrinciplesArtificial Intelligence for Dummies, 2nd EditionAlgorithms for Dummies, 2nd EditionPython for Data Science for Dummies, and Machine Learning for Dummies, 2nd Edition.

      Unfortunately, companies like Apple, Samsung, and many others simply thumb their noses at laws that are in place to protect the children in these countries because they know you’ll buy their products. Yes, they make official statements, but read their statements in that first article and you’ll quickly figure out that they’re excuses and poorly made excuses at that. They don’t have to care because no one is holding them to account. People in rich countries don’t care because their own backyards aren’t sullied and their own children remain safe. It’s not that I have a problem with technology, quite the contrary, I have a problem with the manner in which technology is currently being made and supported. We need to do better. So, the next time you think about buying electronics, consider the real price for that product. Let me know what you think about polluting other countries to keep your country clean at [email protected].